Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Slut walks help women....wanna sell me swamp land too?

Of course you can, and there's consequences.  

Seriously? The faces ain't the wanting type

I Can't be sure of the origin for all slut walks but apparently Toronto's began after a police officer remarked that "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized" and the walk became a protest to re-appropriate the term.  The organizers behind the event apparently had already branded themselves as sluts but said the term "is used positively to define someone who isn't ashamed of their sexual, consensual proclivities."

For pete's sake...wah!
To be honest I have a hard time believing the term 'slut walk' is even being used in the media.  What's next the C-word day?  Those two words are words which at one time couldn't be uttered in polite society, now the former is being bandied about in the press.  I don't think it's changed the meaning of the word one little bit, it's just desensitizing us to it.  Desensitizing us to most things makes us more accepting or perhaps the better way to put it is it makes us more pragmatic.  We think it is what it is and go about our day.

Bull shit.  
Dressing like a slut does increase your likelihood of victimization.  It is crazy to believe that dressing the way some of these women dressed doesn't 'ask' for it.  Some women are saying they don't dress for anyone but themselves and men shouldn't think they have the right to touch them without consent.  I agree with the second part, but don't tell me you aren't dressing for a man's attention, that I won't buy.  Girls don't care if you wear over the knee cum fuck me boots, they don't care if your tits hang out, they don't care if you wear a short skirt.  So you're not dressing for other women.  Are you dressing for yourself? Because wearing those items is not comfortable, honestly if you're dressing for yourself,  you're dressing in yoga pants and a hoodie.  So don't bullshit us.

I've heard the majority of women who walked in the parades are likely from the gay community and using this event to man bash.  Not to be rude, but the women who chose to slut it up for the parade couldn't get laid unless they gave the perpetrators paper bags.  Okay, that was rude, no two ways about it, but heck if its not true.  Hot women weren't choosing to walk in this parade because they don't need to dress like a slut to get attention and my guess is hot women aren't in support of this attempt to re- appropriate the name slut. Sluts are sluts and pride isn't attached now or ever.

The real message is to young women who don't know the effect they have on men, who don't realize they're advertising sex when they dress provocatively.  Perhaps they are interested in consensual, frequent, non committed sexual relationships, but just know that there are men who will see your attire and think you're saying yes even if you're not.

Story research done here.

For a much more comprehensive look at Slutwalks go here.   It's specific to San Francisco but translates everywhere.  I'm even more incensed at the ridiculousness of this clearly feminist agenda making the news and getting publicity.   Shout out to Peregrine John for giving me the link.  

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